Sunday, March 7, 2010

care anymore.

I'm done with grudges. The cold shoulder. The silent treatment. The 'I didn't know you were trying to talk to me for the past two weeks..?'. The avoiding of any form of contact what so ever. Grow up. Excuse me while I vent for a minute. If I did something to deserve this, I would understand. I would probably agree with you. But I didn't. Either time. With either of you. If you have a problem with me, man up and say so. Or woman up. Whatever. I'm done begging you to talk to me again. If you can go this long without me, then I can certainly make it by without you. You've known me since you were five. You know I would never hurt you. And deep down I think you know you made this mess all by yourself. I think it's time you stop blaming me for it. It's over with. You're happy. I'm happy. We should be able to do this together like we have for so long. Let go of your stubbornness. It's not helping anyone. Screw this game, I'm tired. I don't want to play anymore. You have one more chance to apologize like you should have months ago. Or I'm done. I don't care anymore. 

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