Thursday, January 8, 2009

right time.

Song of Songs. I was wandering the pages of the Bible after I finished my reading of Proverbs for the night and that particular book caught my eye. I'd read parts of it before but never to study it or take in its true meaning. So I began, slowly, to breathe it all in. The more I read, the more confused I became. I'm not sure who these people were, whether they were married, how long they'd known each other, what the fascination with lilies was all about, or how eyes could be like doves. But most of all, how could he leave her like that? 

6:5- "I jumped up to open the door for my love, and my hands dripped with perfume. My fingers dripped with lovely myrrh as I pulled back the bolt. 6 I opened to my lover but he was gone! My heart sank. I searched for him but could not find him anywhere. I called to him but there was no reply. 7 The night watchmen found me as they made their rounds. They beat and bruised me and stripped off my veil, those watchmen on the walls."

She goes on to ask the help of other young women to find him. She begs them to tell him that she is weak with love. She describes her passion for him and why he is better than all others. And when he is found, he's browsing in his gardens; among the lillies. All is forgiven. Then it's his turn. He comments on her every feature, praises her beauty, and they re-fall in love all over again. All of this and nothing is resolved. And to be honest, only their looks are mentioned. How flawless her smile is. How his eyes are set like jewels. What is that? Where's the relationship part? Why is it that every time they get close, something terrible happens? Then you get it.

Maybe it wasn't the right time. 

The reason they kept missing each other. The reason they were constantly trying to get the other to come away with them without success. The reason it never quite worked out the way they wanted it to. It wasn't Gods time. These two young people were trying to make love theirs when they should have been making their love Gods. To seek Him with every move. To ask for His blessing. And to be patient. Not rush into things like they did. God has a plan for you. If we get it in our heads that we can somehow change that or bend His will to our liking then we are seriously mistaken. Like the two young lovers in the story found over and over again, He will find a way to mess up our plans to make way for His. God wants us to be happy. He knows how to make us happy. He created us! To think that we know better than Him in that department is completely ridiculous. If we learn to seek him in all we do and ask His blessing on our hearts desires and learn to be patient and trust that He knows what He's doing; our lives will become complete. He knows the formula to our happiness. And if we give everything we are up to Him, He will give us the world. When that happens, it will be the right time. 

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